Reset Progress

A mod for AdVenture Capitalist
About the Reset Progress mod

Embrace a fresh start in AdVenture Capitalist with this mod, enabling you to reset your Gold, Cash, Angels, and MegaBucks to zero. Rediscover the excitement of building your capitalist empire and redefine your gameplay strategy.

Start Afresh

Embrace the opportunity to embark on a new gaming journey by wiping your in-game progress clean. Rediscover the excitement of building your capitalist empire from the ground up.

Gameplay Reset

Enjoy the freedom to reset your in-game currencies to zero, giving you the chance to redefine your gameplay strategy and experience AdVenture Capitalist in a completely new way.

Renew Your Adventure

Refresh your gaming experience by resetting your progress. With this mod, you can breathe new life into AdVenture Capitalist and test your entrepreneurial skills from the beginning.

Extra Details

Reset your Gold, Cash, Angels and MegaBucks to zero.

This modpack contains the following mods

Reset Progress

This will reset your Gold, Cash, Angels and MegaBucks to zero.

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