Win Level

A mod for Cats are Liquid - A Light in the Shadows
About the Win Level mod

Unlock a seamless gaming journey with this innovative mod, allowing you to instantly win levels in 'Cats are Liquid - A Light in the Shadows.' Dive into the minimalistic world and enjoy all its wonders without the hurdles of challenging gameplay.

Effortless Adventure

Experience the joy of adventure without the frustration of getting stuck. This feature allows users to breeze through levels, ensuring that the captivating story and charming art style are always in focus.

Perfect for Casual Players

Whether you're a seasoned gamer or just dipping your toes into platformers, this option is designed for all. Players can enjoy a leisurely experience, taking in the beautiful world without the stress of challenging gameplay.

Discover More with Less Stress

Unlock the full potential of 'Cats are Liquid' by sidestepping difficult sections. This mod empowers players to explore every nook and cranny without the worry of failing, leading to a more enriching gaming experience.

Extra Details

Instantly win the current level.

This modpack contains the following mods

Win Level

Instantly win the current level.

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