Take charge of your Duplicants' well-being in Oxygen Not Included by adjusting their stress levels precisely. With options to set or lock stress, you can ensure your colony thrives under the best conditions—free from overwhelming stress or enjoying the benefits of a stress bonus.
With this mod, you have the power to set the stress levels of your Duplicants according to your gameplay strategy. Whether you want them to thrive under pressure or operate in a calm environment, adjusting their stress levels gives you total control over their performance and well-being.
Imagine a scenario where you can remove stress completely from your Duplicants. This mod allows you to do just that, ensuring your crew stays happy and productive. By eliminating or managing stress, you can focus on building your colony without the constant threat of overwhelming your Duplicants.
Take advantage of the global stress profile feature to apply consistent stress effects across your entire colony. Opt for stress bonuses to give your Duplicants an edge or implement stress penalties when you need to ramp up the challenge. The choice is yours!
Set or lock the stress level of your Duplicants. Change the stress global modifier to get a bonus or penalty.
The stress level to set your Duplicants to.
Set the stress level of your Duplicants to the specified value.
Lock the stress level of your Duplicants to the specified value.
Globally control the stress effect that is applied to each of your Duplicants. No changes will use the default game logic for stress levels. No stress will completely remove the stress from all your Duplicants. Stress bonus will cause your Duplicants to gain a bonus from their stress level. Stress penalty will cause your Duplicants to always be stressed.