Jelly Fish Don't Spawn

A mod for Pacifish
About the Jelly Fish Don't Spawn mod

Enhance your Pacifish experience by preventing jellyfish from spawning around your swimmer with this easy-to-use mod. Enjoy safer swimming and a more focused gameplay, allowing you to fully immerse yourself in managing and improving your fishing adventures.

Safer Swimming Environment

Protect your swimmer from jellyfish encounters, creating a safer and more enjoyable experience while playing Pacifish.

Simplified Mod

Easily install and use the mod to prevent jellyfish from spawning, enhancing your Pacifish gameplay without any hassle.

Enhanced Gameplay

With the jellyfish no longer spawning around your swimmer, focus on managing and improving your fishing experience in Pacifish without interruptions.

Extra Details

Jelly Fish won't spawn around your swimmer.

This modpack contains the following mods

Jelly Fish Don't Spawn

Jelly Fish won't spawn around your swimmer.

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