Don't Freeze When Minimized

A mod for RimWorld
About the Don't Freeze When Minimized mod

Ensure uninterrupted gameplay in RimWorld and seamlessly integrate mods with this essential fix that prevents the game from freezing when minimized or when alt-tabbing out. Enhance your modded gaming experience with improved stability and performance.

Seamless Mod Experience

Enjoy uninterrupted gameplay by preventing the game from freezing when minimized or when alt-tabbing out, ensuring a smooth and seamless modded gaming experience.

Effortless Mod Integration

Enhance mod performance by eliminating freezing issues, providing a hassle-free way to enjoy RimWorld with mods without interruptions or technical obstacles.

Improved Gameplay Stability

Experience improved game stability with this mod, addressing freezing problems when minimizing the game, ensuring a more reliable and enjoyable gameplay.

Extra Details

Stops the game from freezing when it is minimized or you alt tab out of it. We highly recommend you enable this to improve the way mods work.

This modpack contains the following mods

Don't Freeze When Minimized

Stops the game from freezing when it is minimized or you alt tab out of it.

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