Increase Drag Strength

A mod for Sandbox Anything
About the Increase Drag Strength mod

Alter the drag strength within the game to simplify object manipulation and enhance the building experience. Utilize the multiplier function to customize the strength, offering increased efficiency, ease, and enjoyment while playing.

Effortless Object Manipulation

Easily leverage the increased drag strength to effortlessly manipulate and position objects exactly where you want them, eliminating the need for slow and tedious dragging in the game.

Customizable Drag Strength

Tailor the drag strength to your preference with the multiplier function, providing the flexibility to adjust the strength to suit your specific needs within the game.

Enhanced Building Experience

Improve your building experience by significantly reducing the effort required for dragging objects, allowing you to quickly and efficiently construct structures and enhance your gameplay.

Extra Details

Increases the strength of your drag action. You can multiply your strength to make the game easier. A value as high as 100 allows you to just place things where ever you want instead of slowly dragging them.

This modpack contains the following mods

Increase Drag Strength

Gives you increase drag strength.

Strength Multiplier

A multiplier for your strength.

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