
A mod for Subnautica
About the Fly mod

Embark on a new kind of adventure where you can fly through the beautiful yet perilous underwater realms of the game. This feature unlocks no-clip travel, granting you unprecedented access to explore the depths at blink-of-an-eye speeds and reach secret locations that could change your survival story.

Elevate Your Adventures

Soar above the stunning underwater landscape, skipping the tedious backtracking and getting straight to the adventure. With the ability to fly seamlessly, players can unlock all corners of the vibrant alien world.

Speed Through the Depths

Tired of swimming long distances? This mod allows you to tweak your fly speeds, enabling quick travel across vast distances. Whether you prefer a leisurely cruise or a sprint to your next destination, it’s all possible!

Discover Hidden Secrets

Dive into areas that were previously out of reach. By utilizing this flying feature, you can uncover hidden treasures, resources, and locations that enhance your gameplay experience and provide valuable insights into the game's lore.

Extra Details

Fly allows you to fly around through walls and go pretty much anywhere at super fast speeds. This is also called no clip.

This modpack contains the following mods


Allows you to fly around the map in no clip mode.

Normal Fly Speed

This is the speed of fly when you aren't holding down the sprint key.

Sprinting Fly Speed

This is the speed of fly when you are holding down the sprint key.

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