Item Manager

A mod for The Long Drive
About the Item Manager mod

Streamline item management with this mod that allows you to easily spawn various in-game items directly in front of you. From selecting a diverse range of items to effortless creation and spawning, enhance your gameplay with this convenient tool.

Expand Your Inventory with Ease

Quickly and effortlessly spawn a diverse selection of in-game items right in front of you, expanding your inventory with just a few clicks. Say goodbye to tedious item collection and hello to a more dynamic gameplay experience.

Enhance Your Gameplay with Custom Creations

Unleash your creative side by spawning a wide variety of custom items directly into the game. Experiment with different items and give your gameplay a personal touch, making each session uniquely yours.

Effortless Item Creation and Spawning

Simplify the process of item creation and spawning with this mod. No more scrolling through endless lists – just select the item you want and create it in front of you, streamlining your gaming experience.

Extra Details

Spawn items in front of you. Pick from a huge list of items. Create them directly in front of you.

This modpack contains the following mods

Item To Spawn

The item to spawn.

Refresh Item List

Refresh the list of items.

Spawn Item

Spawn the item that is currently selected in front of you.

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